Hello, my name is
Veronicah Njenga
And I'm a Software Develope|

About me

I'm Veronicah and I'm a Software Develope|

I am a passionate,responsible,and self-motivated SoftwareDeveloper,
with the interpersonal skill of problem-solving and using
the skill to solve
real-world problems. I believe that I can use the technical
knowledge acquired
to solve a real-world problem.I have skills in frontend development
using Javascript and technoliogies such as React.js, Redux, Html/CSS, boostrap,Taiwind css. My softskills include
communication , adaptability and team work.

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My Projects

Restaurant Website

Restaurant website is a dynamic and responsive web application that allows users to browse and order food.Built using React js , Material UI , Html/ CSS.


Gym Website

Created an Gym website using React js, javascript ,Html/CSS By offering users to browser see different trainers , different payment plan and be able to join the gym.


React Cv Template

A web application that allows users to create and customize resumes in a simple manner.Built using React js and Google material design .


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